It is no secret that reading holds tremendous benefits. But what about listening to audiobooks? Is this taking a shortcut… or ‘cheating’ in a sense?

The answer is a big, fat & grateful, NO! Listening to audiobooks won’t slow down the development of your child’s reading skills. In fact, they hold a whole lot of advantages including ENJOYMENT.  

If the combination of different voices, accents, and sound effects does not convince you, here are a few more reasons to consider:

  1. Children can LISTEN at a higher level than they can read. In other words, where written text is a barrier, audiobooks make all stories accessible.
  2. Listening to audiobooks will give them a better UNDERSTANDING of language and phrasing.
  3. It teaches PRONUNCIATION. Especially if they follow the text along in the physical book.
  4. It helps develop your child’s IMAGINATION.
  5. Some Children listen better when their hands are busy. With audiobooks they can paint, draw, or PLAY Legos while listening.
  6. Audiobooks are great in the car. Whether it’s a ROAD-TRIP or a quick errand, it’s easy and it’s something all can listen to together.
  7. Audiobooks are an excellent tool for children with reading disabilities. Instead of building frustration with reading, it encourages a LOVE for books.

And last, but not least:

  1. Audiobooks are much more beneficial than screen time, yet it gives you the same necessary BREAK you need to finish dinner or send that last email.

No wonder the popularity of this format amongst children has increased with leaps and bounds.


  • Choose books that hold your kids’ interest and allow them to pick one.
  • Find the right device. Old-school CD players work great. Alternatively, connect your cell phone to a speaker or set of headphones.
  • Keep in mind: Audiobooks can be the key to unlocking a child’s love of reading.

Listen to our very first audiobook here in Afrikaans